ERLA’S DIRECTORY – Section 1.1





ERLA on the list of Linguistics Association of Great BritainĀ  Ā  ERLA opening the list of international organisations recognised by Committee for Linguistics in Education as crossing bridges between linguistics and schools
4th ERL Conference (17-19 June 2019) Educational Role of Language. From Theory to Practice, from Practice to Theory, University of Craiova, Romania
Publication of ERL Journal Volume 2019-1(1) Boosting the Educational Experiencing of Language. Sections: Experiencing language content, Experiencing digital interaction, Experiencing the spoken word, Experiencing the written word
Publication of ERL Journal Volume 2019-2(2) Enhacing Multiculturalism inĀ EFL Communication.Ā Sections: Multiculturalism in didactic practices, Multiculturalism in educational documents, Multicultural beliefs, Multicultural experience


Our joint analysis of the reciprocity between learning and four language skills Prompted by the subtitle of the first ERL Conference – Learn to Speak, Speak to Learn, the three co-authors (M. Daszkiewicz (ERLA’s founder and member), M. Kusiak-Pisowacka (ERLA’s members), R. Wenzel (ERLA’s supporter)) studied the link between the four fundamental language skills and learning, working both ways (Contents). The analysis is preceded by a chapter on education (as a whole) through the prism of language skills and another one on genuine vs. artificial language interaction in the classroom. Additionally, it is followed by a section outliniing the relevant scope through sets of research problems falling within ERL’s four areas (later referred to as the strands of Scope Minor)
The need for communication between linguistic sub-disciplines As language cuts across educational domains, that is beliefs, activity, affect, and thinking, there is a need – fulfilled under the ERL Framework – for specialists of multiple linguistic subdisciplies communicating and cooperating wuth one another.





Educational Role of Language Ā ERLA’s key notion can be understood differently,, ERLA Members present their interpretations of the educational role of language in the second section of their personal ERLA pages



Subservient role of speech in non-linguistic education as presented by university students  

When it comes to non-linguistic education, universty students tend to assign speech a clearly secondary (if not tertiary) function, seeing it as a means rather than an (additional) educational aim or a personal attribute worth developing for its own sake. Regardless of wherher their reasons are retated to beliefs (eg. “I speak to express my views), activty (e.g. I speak to have more practice), affect, (e.g. I soeak to share my emotions with my peers), or reasoing (e.g. I speak to understand the subject matter better), their decisions to speak or not to speak show the degree in which language proves to be taken into granted (with a highly detrimental effect). To read more about the study, go to To speak or not to speak.