Francis Salawu Ozaomata 

Masters student of Political Science, Research Analyst and Educational Instructor, NIGERIA;


Bibliographic citation: (ISSN 2657-9774) Educational Role of Language Journal.  Volume 2022-2(8). LINGUISTIC CONTEXTS AND DIVERSITY IN EDUCATION, pp. 76-77



Nigeria, just like many other African countries and Asian countries were colonized by the first world countries, The British adopted the policy of assimilation, which the learning of ‘English language’ by Nigerians was one of them. The reason was not far-fetched from the fact that we needed a united language for political, economic and social stability and convenience because of our diversity in cultures and languages.

This however was an accomplished agenda because everyone had no option but to learn English language right from childhood and pass mark of this language subject was a criterion to get into the higher education. My experience as an educational instructor of English language, I discovered that students find it easier to express themselves in their native languages than English language, there is stigmatization, disdain or discriminatory expression given to a student finding it hard to make correct grammatical expression by his or her colleagues. Students even feel embarrassed to make presentations, debates and even engage with their colleagues in extracurricular activities because they consider it a deficiency and an embarrassment



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