Marina Katić
University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Novi Sad, SERBIA;
Predrag Novakov
University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Philosophy, Novi Sad, SERBIA;
Bibliographic citation: (ISSN 2657-9774) Educational Role of Language Journal. Special Volume 1 (2023) LSD EDUCATION SERVING CROSS-CULTURAL COMMUNICATION, pp. 61-73
This case study attempts to highlight the translation stage, an important step in technical L2-L1 dictionary compilation. It aims to reveal the translation procedures employed by LSP compilers, relying on the distinction between the concepts of foreignization and domestication, known as Venuti’s strategies, when searching for LSP dictionary equivalents. Two English-Serbian LSP dictionaries from different disciplines: the traditional one (mechanical engineering) and the new one (information technology) have been examined. Our hypothesis assumes that LSP dictionaries in traditional engineering disciplines primarily use domesticating (TL-oriented equivalent) translation procedures, whereas those in high-tech engineering disciplines tend to use foreignizing (SL-oriented equivalent) translation procedures. The results of the qualitative and quantitative analyses indicated the dominance of domesticating procedures in the bilingual English-Serbian Dictionary of Mechanical Engineering. In contrast, the appearance of foreignizing translation procedures was noticed in the Dictionary for Computer Terms. Hence, in the future, it seems that communicating technical knowledge in modern technical disciplines through LSP dictionaries will increasingly be facilitated by ready-made terms produced by foreignizing or SL-oriented translation procedures.
Keywords: LSP bilingual L2-L1 dictionary, LSP dictionary equivalents, translation procedures, terms, equivalence relation, knowledge communication
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