Siniša Prekratić
University of Zagreb, CROATIA;
Ivana Francetić
University of Zagreb, CROATIA; https://orcid.org0009-0004-3124-913X
Bibliographic citation: (ISSN 2657-9774) Educational Role of Language Journal. Special Volume 1 (2023) LSD EDUCATION SERVING CROSS-CULTURAL COMMUNICATION, pp. 23-32
The paper presents an error analysis study of a translation exercise performed by Croatian L1 university students during their Aviation English course session. The participants of the study were 55 undergraduate and graduate university programme students from The Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, Division of Aeronautics. The study consisted of an elicitation task involving Croatian to English translation of a number of decontextualized sentences, which dealt with various Aviation English technical descriptions and definitions. The goal of the study was to investigate the observed excessive use of the progressive verb aspect in Aviation English definitions and descriptions. The results of the elicitation task confirm a significant overuse of the progressive verb form in contexts requiring simple verb aspect. The paper relates these findings to several studies on L2 acquisition of verb tense and aspect and offers suggestions for teaching verb aspect.
Keywords: English for Specific Purposes, tense/aspect acquisition, Aviation English
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