Linda Lin


Contact details


T: +852 2766 7501



English Language Centre & Department of English

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University


Programmes currently coordinating:

·         LCR subjects

·         Postgraduate subjects


Subject currently coordinating:

·         EUS (English for University Studies), the flagship subject in the ELC



PhD in Applied Linguistics, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

M.A. in English Language Teaching, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Postgraduate Diploma of Education, University of Queensland, Australia


Academic writing

Vocabulary learning

Corpus studies


Current Projects

1.                  Developing a PolyU-Stanford adaptive learning online platform for English and exploratory adaptive assessment for Science subjects. Principle Investigator (together with Dr. Julia Chen). TDG Institutional Fund, $1,5 million.

2.                  Developing an Interactive Academic Vocabulary Learning Tool.  Principle Investigator.  TDG Institutional Fund, $200,000

Completed Funded Projects:

1.                  Online Support for Academic Writing for the Engineering Curriculum. Co-investigator, UGC funded, $4,977,880.

2.                  Preparation for International Collaboration with Stanford University. Principal investigator. Dean’s Research Grant, $119,492.

3.                  Improving the vocabulary knowledge of PhD and MPhil Candidates in the PolyU. Principal investigator. Dean’s Research Grant.

4.                  An Investigation into Academic Vocabulary Input in the English LCR Courses in the Four-year Curriculum. Principal investigator. Dean’s Research Grant.

5.                  Identifying Major Challenges that Mainland Students Studying in Hong Kong Face in Academic Writing.  Principal Investigator. PolyU Learning and Teaching Grant.

6.                  An investigation into the academic vocabulary knowledge of PolyU students.  (PI:  Dr Bruce Morrison). Faculty-Wide/Cross-Department Learning & Teaching Development Grants.

7.                  Building a PolyU Learner Corpus. Principal Investigator. PolyU Learning and Teaching Grant. Dean’s Research Grant, Faculty of Humanities.

8.                  Developing an Annotated PolyU Learner Corpus.  Principal Investigator. Dean’s Research Grant, Faculty of Humanities.

9.                  Making Invisible Errors Visible. Principal Investigator. Dean’s Research Grant. Faculty of Humanities.

10.              Developing Learning and Teaching Resources for the Writing Assistance Programme. (PI: Dr Julia Chen). PolyU Central Research Grants.



Qian, D. D. & Lin, L. H. F. (2020). The relationship between vocabulary knowledge and language proficiency. In S. Webb (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of vocabulary studies (pp. 66-80).  Oxford, UK: Taylor & Francis.

Lin, L. H. F. (2019). The NMET impact on the English writing of mainland Chinese     students. ERL Journal. 1, 122-131.

Lin, L. H. F., & Morrison, B. (2010). The impact of the medium of instruction in Hong Kong secondary schools on tertiary students’ vocabulary. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 9, 255-266.

Lin, L. H. F. (2009). Status of English in Hong Kong. In S. Granger et al (eds.), International Corpus of Learner English Version 2. Louvain-la-Neuve: Universite de Louvain Press, 180-185.

Lin, L. H. F. (2003). Corpus Evidence: Existential Constructions by Chinese Learners of English. The English Teacher – An International Journal, 6, (3), 279-280.

Lin, L. H. F. (2002). Overuse, underuse and misuse: using concordancing to analyze the use of it in the writing of Chinese Learners of English. In M. Tan (ed.), Corpus Studies in Language Education. Bangkok: IELS Press, 63-80.

Lin, L. H. F. (1999). Applying Information Technology to a Corpus of Student Report Writing Help Students Write Better Reports.  In B. Morrison et al (eds.), Information Technology & Multimedia in English Language Teaching, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 69-79.


ERL Conferences attendee

ERL Journal – editorial team member