ERL JOURNAL aims to publish papers on issues lying at the intersection of linguistic and educational studies. The journal’s inception has been prompted by our shared aspiration to study and boost the position of language in education. Its key aim follows from the so-called ‘linguistic turn’, whereby how people learn and how they see the surrounding world is strongly determined by language. This implies that language underlies and binds education, meriting a special place in educational studies.
ERL JOURNAL’s area of interest comprises ‘Scope Major’ and ‘Scope Minor’. The former, broader, covers studies of the educational role of language at the level of school, culture, methods and personality. The latter, narrower, is learner-focused and covers studies pertaining to language in four educational domains: language-beliefs (what learners THINK OF language), language-activity (what learners can DO WITH language), language-affect (how learners FEEL ABOUT language), and language-thinking (how learners UNDERSTAND THROUGH language). The issues addressed in papers are diversified yet complementary to one another within and across the two aforementioned scopes.
ERL JOURNAL accepts papers addressing language and education jointly (as opposed to those which pertain to either language or education only). We welcome theoretical and/or empirical papers, presenting the aforementioned issues from a qualitative or quantitative perspective, or both. We are particularly keen to publish papers reporting on international studies, the focus of which can be clearly defined as falling within the ‘Scope Major’ or ‘Scope Minor’, or those which aspire to study issues at their intersections. Papers can relate to L1, L2/FL, or both.
ERL JOURNAL, as follows from the above, assumes an interdisciplinary approach. Accordingly, we shall be ready to publish papers authored by, for instance, sociolinguists, psycholinguists, applied linguists, linguistic anthropologists, theoreticians of education, experts of developmental psychology, comparative or cultural linguistics experts, cognitive scientists, and specialists of many other subdisciplines, whose considerations and findings might widen our awareness of how language operates in education across various subjects.