Luisito M. Nanquil
Bulacan State University, Philippines;
Bibliographic citation: (ISSN 2657-9774) Educational Role of Language Journal. Volume 2022-1(7). PLACING LANGUAGE IN THE CENTRE OF SCHOOLING, pp. 93-95
Despite multilingualism and multiculturalism, English language is taught by teachers as they face impacts of globalization, diffusion, and disruption. Armed with ideas, practices, strategies, and perspectives, the English language teachers continue providing quality and relevant language instruction to their students both in virtual and onsite classes. Living in a borderless and boundless world makes learners acquire and learn other languages. As language and literature teachers, we have to be innovative in developing, designing, and implementing new curriculum and instruction that will cater to the needs and diversities of the learners. This reflective and narrative paper aims to discuss and describe the researcher’s fruitful and thoughtful introspections on multilingualism and multiculturalism as they affect and effect online and offline ESL classes, and how teachers cope with the situation.
Keywords: multilingualism, multiculturalism, school/academic setting, inclusivity, socialization
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