Robert P. Yagelski  

University of Albany, SUNY, United States of America;


Bibliographic citation: (ISSN 2657-9774) Educational Role of Language Journal.  Volume 2021-1(5).  COVID-19 – A Source of Threats or Opportunities for Linguistic Education, pp. 6-17



Writing, as a technology for language, is an essential skill for learning at all levels of education. But research also reveals that the experience of writing-in-the-moment can have a significant impact on the writer’s sense of self and well-being. Especially in view of the dramatic upheavals in schools caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, educators should examine the uses of writing as a means to foster well-being in students. Ungraded informal writing can support student learning at the same time that it can contribute to their well-being.

Keywords: writing, language, pedagogy, well-being

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