Zoi Apostolou, Nektarios Stellakis

University of Patras, Greece; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4359-397X, 0000-0002-1934-8715
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36534/erlj.2019.02.09
Bibliographic citation: (ISSN 2657-9774) Educational Role of Language Journal. Volume 2019-2(2). Enhancing multiculturalism in EFL communication, pp. 101-112
The purpose of this research is to investigate the perceptions of kindergarten teachers and first-grade primary school teachers about their cooperation regarding literacy practices and their enhancement. The need for co-operation, the potential for co-operation, how to achieve it, as well as its benefits for enhancing literacy, are the key questions explored. The research is part of a broader study of the relationships between natural / early and conventional / school literacy, the teachers’ perceptions of the possibility of integration of language curricula, as well as practices resulting from the study of curricula. The data were collected through a questionnaire sample of 632 teachers who were separated into two groups, 326 kindergarten teachers and 306 teachers teaching the year of the process in the first grade of Greek elementary schools. The results showed that kindergarten teachers were more positive about the need for co-operation on literacy practices, but first-grade primary school teachers believed more in their co-operation. Kindergarten teachers and first-grade primary school teachers agree on the need for joint actions, with teachers considering as significant constraints the co-location of school units, the lack of common time, and the pressure of “course material”.
Keywords: literacy, kindergarten, primary school, teachers’ perceptions, co-operation, literacy learning practices, early literacy, school literacy
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