Emina Jelešković

International University of Sarajevo, BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8438-829X


Bibliographic citation: (ISSN 2657-9774) Educational Role of Language Journal. Volume 2024-2(12).  BELIEFS IN LINGUISTIC EDUCATION, pp. 118-120.


Embarking on a university mark one of the biggest and most important transitions in students’ education. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, freshmen students are frequently welcomed to university with the phrase: Welcome to the academic world! University truly opens up to students a new world where they meet professors and mentors who should not just educate and teach them, but also motivate them and inspire them to discover and rediscover their own ideals, beliefs and dreams. After all, this is an opportunity for students to do so just before they march into the adult world of competitive economy and labour market. Academic world tests students’ endurance and persistence, with its high standards in learning and exams. On the other hand, it is the place where students meet new friends and form connections which may last for a lifetime. This unique combination of formal, clear and curriculum-based structure of the academia with the less tangible qualities like values, inspiration, beliefs and bonds, make the university life a very special and personal experience for each and every student. Different study programs choose different ways in which they want to enrich their students’ learning …

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