Gisi Cannizzaro
Heritage Language Education Network, NETHERLANDS;
Renata Emilsson Peskova
University of Iceland, ICELAND;
Bibliographic citation: (ISSN 2657-9774) Educational Role of Language Journal. Volume 2024-2(12). BELIEFS IN LINGUISTIC EDUCATION, pp. 61-62.
FOHLC Europe (n.d.) is a collaboration between several groups involved with heritage language (HL) education. It organizes an annual conference and regular online gatherings for HL teachers, managers, and coalition leaders in Europe. The goal is to provide a platform for exchanging ideas, improving HL education quality, and mapping HL programs in Europe. FOHLC Europe offers professional development and networking opportunities.
On 15 and 16 November 2024, FOHLC Europe team organized its 4th successful conference with inspirational examples and practical strategies (FOHLC Europe 2024 Conference, 2024). This year, over 260 practitioners and academics registered for the conference, to gather virtually to discuss the motivation of those involved in the crucial work of preserving and teaching heritage languages. The event was truly international, with attendees from over 40 countries representing over 50 languages, all united by their commitment to heritage language education. FOHLC Europe showed yet again that it is unique in its platform to share real-world stories about the challenging work that goes into this form of non-formal education.
The theme of this year’s conference was “Rethinking Incentives:…
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