Contact details:
Affiliation: Faculty of Humanities, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland
ERLA key words; speech-language pathology, speech-language therapy, speech sound disorders, speech development, language development, myofunctional therapy
ERLA key problems: How do we develop our speech sounds? How can we support the development of normal anatomy and physiology of the orofacial complex? How do we develop and treat speech disorders?

Ā have become an ERLA member in 2020, during my PhD studies. I decided to join it because of the interdisciplinary character of activities around the language itself. As a speech-language pathologist I found it appealing to meet different ā€˜language specialistsā€™ and develop my perception of the role of language. I share my research and speech-language therapy practice with ERLA Members and get inspired by their ideas at the same time.

Ā  I specialize in treating speech and language disorders in children who interact verbally. Therefore the educational role of language means the opportunity to communicate effectively by word of mouth to me. It means learning and teaching throughout words, the possibility to share linguistic interpretation of the world with other individuals. Ā 

I would like to broaden my perspective of language learning and teaching, especially in terms of patients with speech-language disorders who I work with. It requires glottodidactics methods to introduce such patients to their mother tongue. As there are many linguists who specialize in teaching EnglishĀ  as a foreign language within ERLA structures, it seems justified to take a closer look at their actions. And last, but not least, we all live in a society thanks to language. Is there a way to dive deeper in language interaction than by unrestrained interaction with other engaged linguists and teachers better than here in ERLA?.

    Thanks to people who gather around ERLA, I have a chance to experience “out of the box” thinking about language. Hence, I would like to explore new ways, methods and techniques of teaching, developing and supporting the development of oneā€™s speech and language skills..