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Contact details: ekovacikova@ukf.sk |
Affiliation: Department of English Language and Culture,Faculty of Education, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Slovakia | |
ERLA key words; ELT, very young learners, teenagers and adults, CLIL, teaching music through English, mindfulness in education, languages and special need learners | |
ERLA key problems: How does a foreign language acquisition affect the development of a mother tongue and vice versa? How to balance content and language learning? What is the relation of disciplinary literacy with language of instruction? How to increase motivation and effectiveness when teaching English to ´different´ learners? How to increase well-being of teachers? |

ERL Association gives me an opportunity to get together with people that connect language in education in various perspectives.

Regarding my profession, I understand ´educational role of language´as a language of instruction. Language in education is at the same time a key and crucial instrument that enables approaching children/pupils/learners/people to share anything they need.

I would like to become a valuable partner and belong to a professional or academic community.

Disciplinary literacy, content through language and language through content (CLIL), mindfulness in language education.