Contact details:
Affiliation: University of Warsaw, Faculty of Education
ERLA key words; literacy, orality, secondary/new orality, youth slang, functions of language, sociolect, school exam, linguistic worldview, linguistic competence, communicative competence
ERLA key problems:My primary research interests are focused around literacy, as well as cultural and educational conditions for the acquisition and improvement of writing skills by children and young people, as well as youth slang, communicative competence and linguistic worldview.

My research interests are situated on the border between linguistics and pedagogy, and focus on the language of young people. My two educational profiles: linguistic and social, have shaped my perspective on language issues and allowed me to see the importance of language. ERLA fits perfectly with the scope of my academic interests. The combination of linguistic and pedagogical issues allows us to go beyond strictly linguistic analysis, to look at language in a pragmatic way, and to appreciate the importance of language in thinking and acting, including education. I encountered ERL in 2016 during the first conference: 1st International Pedagogical and Linguistic Conference Educational Role of Language – LEARN TO SPEAK, SPEAK TO LEARN. Since then, I have been attending conferences regularly and have been pleased to see the development of the ‘ERL environment’, which has transformed into an Association. I am happy to observe the successive scientific initiatives that ERLA undertakes: research projects, scientific journals and publications. I had the pleasure of being a co-editor of one of the publications: In the Search of a Language Pedagogical Paradigm, ed. M. Daszkiewicz, A. Dąbrowska, OficynaWydawnicza „Impuls”, Kraków 2020. The cordial, friendly atmosphere that accompanies scientific activities associated with the ERLA is conducive to the development of new joint initiatives.

The term ‘educational role of language’ is capacious and opens up great scope for interpretation. It can be understood in many different ways. I present my own proposal for understanding this term in the article: Dabrowska A., Educational Role of Language and Polish Youth Slang – Literature Review, “Educational Role of Language Journal” 1/2019, pp. 76-82. 

I see many benefits of the scientific partnership. I would like to participate in joint research projects with ERLA members and supporters..

    The era of new orality, in which oral and written ways of thinking clash, shapes the communication styles of today’s youth. One of the noticeable phenomena related to adolescents’ language is their deepening difficulties in acquiring written text skills, which has cognitive and social consequences. I would like to research:

    e-communication of children and young people – How do dominant types of communication/language shape the thinking and actions of children and young people?

    – literacy – How are the writing skills of young people in different countries? What are the education systems for this area of language skills?