Contact details: Raquel.SanchezRuiz@uclm.esĀ 
Affiliation: Department of Modern Languages (area of English), Faculty of Education in Albacete, University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM), Spain
ERLA key words; ELT, Primary Education, Initial Teacher Training, bilingual education, ELT methodology, EFL acquisition/learning, CLIL, mindfulness in education, languages and special need learners
ERLA key problems: How does a foreign language acquisition affect the development of a mother tongue and vice versa? How to deal with bilingual education? How to motivate Primary Education pupils and Higher Education students? How to succeed in teaching subjects through a foreign language? How to increase motivation and effectiveness when teaching English to Ā“differentĀ“ learners?

ERL Association connects and joins people of the same and different views on issues in education, in general; and language, in particular. Our joint aim is to cooperate and communicate towards the growth of learners but also educators. My main aim here is both to contribute to language communicative competence (linguistic, sociolinguistic and pragmatic competences) and intercultural communicative competence from different perspectives and approaches.

Ā  As our colleagueĀ Elena Kovacikova puts it: ā€œEducational role of language means communication or any form of expression inside and outside educational institutions, with an intention but also without a direct intention to educateā€. I also want to explore the different approaches to SLA, including EFL and ELF, among others; as well as to compare and contrast education systems and methodologies among different countries to learn, share good practices and participate in jobshadowing.

As an ERLA member and panel/strand coordinator, I would like to be a part of the research events and projects that fit into my lines of research. I am also available for any kind of research, collaboration or innovation projects that other members think they can do with me. I am also open to research reviews and committees.

    I would like to study, discuss and research the teaching-learning processes, especially in EFL and bilingual education, exploring interdisciplinarity and cross-curricular connections between language and non-linguistic subjects; as well as considering Universal Dseign for Learning (UDL) and European policies, including education inclusion. I am also interested in education innovation and research within the scope of my lines of research, mentioned in ERLA key words and problems.