Luisito M. Nanquil 

Bulacan State University, PHILIPPINES;


Bibliographic citation: (ISSN 2657-9774) Educational Role of Language Journal.  Volume 2022-2(8). LINGUISTIC CONTEXTS AND DIVERSITY IN EDUCATION, pp. 136-140



A number of assessment instruments declared that literacy problems exist among diverse classrooms. Other studies previously conducted also noted and underlined literacy concerns in the multilingual environment. This paper investigated how different sources and experts attempted to explain literacy instruction and challenges in multilingual and multicultural environments. It also aims to identify and explore the realities and perspectives widely experienced by practitioners who have taught in multilingual settings. The researcher also generously shared his thoughts as he combined his wealth of experience to the ideas and views offered by experts. After a critical analysis of the anecdotes and stories mentioned in this paper, helpful and insightful conclusions are offered to assist and guide novice reading and literacy teachers in their quest for information, practices, and strategies. The realities and lessons from literacy instruction in multilingual and diverse learning environments revealed that opportunity, inclusion, equality, and equity are feasible and possible for reading and literacy teachers who are willing to be a catalyst of transitions and innovations.

Keywords: multilingual setting, literacy instruction, practices, diversity, education 


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