Slađana Marić

University of Novi Sad, SERBIA;


Bibliographic citation: (ISSN 2657-9774) Educational Role of Language Journal.  Volume 2022-2(8). LINGUISTIC CONTEXTS AND DIVERSITY IN EDUCATION, pp. 104-115



This research introduces the children’s opera “Imola” (libretto by R.Fleis, music: F. Kovac) as a pedagogically significant material to be used in teaching and learning in arts, theatre, language and music education contexts – for familiarizing with the multilingual demands of both operatic and vocal music repertoire, thus educating students as an audience, able to enjoy the artistic output. The different forms of music-linked translation (MLT) associated with opera are discussed, as a descriptive approach was applied. In this research, the process of translation is explored from an interdisciplinary point of view, encompassing musicological, multilingual and pedagogical issues.

Keywords: children’s opera, libretto translations, opera education, storytelling with music, music-linked translation (MLT) 


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