Carol Schmid 

Guilford Technical Community College in Jamestown, USA;


Bibliographic citation: (ISSN 2657-9774) Educational Role of Language Journal.  Volume 2022-2(8). LINGUISTIC CONTEXTS AND DIVERSITY IN EDUCATION, pp. 68-77



The objective of this paper is to provide an analysis of the integration of Ukrainian students in Polish schools. The Polish educational policies include preparatory classes, inclusion in mainstream classes, additional educational classes in Polish, early childhood education and vocational training. The paper also examines the Directives of the European Union regarding the integration of Ukrainian students. The European Commission directive measures regulate European Union countries education policies to incorporate Ukrainian students. While Poland has met most of the requirements of the European Union Directives, there also challenges in the Polish education system. Language barriers, policy gaps and the lack of available resources are examined. The paper provides several perspectives on education in relationship to the rapid migration of Ukrainian students to Poland. The war in Ukraine by Russia has changed Poland from an emigrant to an immigrant country. Poland has received the highest number of Ukrainians among the European countries since the start of the conflict by Russia on February 24th, 2022. The high percentage of children among the immigrants has particularly challenged the compulsory education system in Poland.

Keywords: inclusive education, education policy, Poland, Ukraine, European Union


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