Božena Horváthová
Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Slovakia;
Martina Galbová
Základná škola s materskou školou Žabokreky nad Nitrou, Slovakia;
Bibliographic citation: (ISSN 2657-9774) Educational Role of Language Journal. Volume 2021-1(5). COVID-19 – A Source of Threats or Opportunities for Linguistic Education, pp. 62-74
The paper deals with the function of speaking Talk as Performance, which requires special teaching approaches. The theoretical part provides information about adolescent language learners and guidelines for teaching them. The age of the learners at this level, the basic characteristics, the proficiency level based on Common European Framework of References for Languages (CEFR) and International Standard of Classification (ISCED) are discussed as well. Further on, attention is paid to the language skill speaking and basic methodological approaches to speaking are tackled. Finally, the function of speaking Talk as Performance and its implementation to in-class teaching is discussed. The research focuses on the application of three research methods content analysis, observation and interview, the purpose of which is to find which activities promote the function Talk as Performance in two different textbooks used by teenage language learners and to investigate how the function is taught in two different English classes by two different teachers. Subsequently, the research results are analysed within each method.
Keywords: adolescent language learner,speaking skill, functions of speaking, talk as performance, TEFL, content analysis, observation, interview
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