Gabriela Mikulová

Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Slovakia;
Bibliographic citation: (ISSN 2657-9774) Educational Role of Language Journal. Volume 2019-2(2). Enhancing multiculturalism in EFL communication, pp. 143-145
The monograph, “Foreign Language Anxiety, Post – Communist Country Context” was edited by Zdena Kráľová and Jana Kamenická, Verbum Praha, 2019.
Anxiety and fear on one hand, unflagging inner responsibility to do one´s best in the position of a role model, on the other… This is the challenge that countless non-native foreign language (FL) teachers experience every time they stand in front of their learners. Teachers, being of different personalities, having undergone various educational systems and being given different opportunities for practical foreign language use, are trying to do their best to fulfil their highest potential. That is why being a teacher automatically predestines representatives of this difficult profession to experience a life-long challenge – professional and personal…
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