Sladana Marić orcid,org 0000-0002-9270-7016 |
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EMPLOYMENT & EDUCATION Serbia, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Philosophy [Research Assistant, PhD in Teaching Methodology) Research Associate in Social Sciences – Pedagogy. Graduated in Music Pedagogy and in English Language Philology, completed doctoral studies in Teaching Methodology. Working experience in music subjects and English language teaching in professional music and ballet educational settings. Main interests in research are teaching methodology, second language teaching and learning, English in Professional Music Education (EPME), multilingualism, educational technology, and specialised translation of texts in music and opera. Presented research in international conferences in Cyprus, Czech Republic, Greece, Malta, Poland, and Serbia and published more than twenty articles in peer-reviewed journals and international publications. Contributed with research within the national project entitled “Digital Media Technologies and Socio-economical Changes” (III47020, 2014 – 2019) funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia. Speaker of Serbian, English, Italian and Greek language. Editorial board member of the Educational Role of Language Journal (2019-2021) and member of EDEN Digital Learning Europe: Europe (2021). |
ERL FIELD OF EXPERTISE SCOPE MAJOR: language & methodology (teaching, CLIL, ESP) SCOPE MINOR: language activity (language skills, literacy) Marić, Slađana (2019). The educational role of language in experiences with virtual reality. Educational Role of Language Journal. Vol.2019 (1) “Boosting the Educational Experiencing of Language”. p. 47 – 59. ISSN 2657-9774 |
PROJECTS & PUBLICATIONS Research Assistant at the Faculty of Philosophy of University of Novi Sad engaged within the project “Digital Media Technologies and Socio-Educational Changes” (III47020) funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia”. Research interests: areas of the educational role of language, digital pedagogies, media literacies and their role in digital learning and teaching. Sladana has published internationally and regularly gives talks at international conferences, presenting her work at online conferences and face to face events in Greece, Serbia, Cyprus, Poland and Malta. Bibliography (selected academic papers in English) 1. Maric, Slađana (2020). The Role of Online Media in Learning and Professional Development. In: Digitalne medijske tehnologije i društveno-obrazovne promene 9/ Digital media technologies and socio-educational changes 9, (p. 173 – 185) (urednici/editors) Dejan Pralica & Stefan Janjić. Filozofski fakultet, Odsek za medijske studije, Novi Sad/Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Media Studies, Novi Sad, UDC 316.774:004.738.5]:159.953, 316.774:004.738.5]:377.4, ISBN 978-86-6065-598-3, 2. Marić, Slađana (2020). “Interacting and Learning Within Webinars for Continuing Professional Development” (Kölcsönhatás és tanulás a folyamatos szakmai fejlődést elősegítő webináriumok keretében/Interakcija i učenje u okviru webinara za kontinuirani stručni razvoj). Módszertani Közlöny/Methodological Bulletin/Metodički glasnik 2020, X. évfolyam, 1. szám, p.64 – 73. Újvidéki Egyetem, Magyar Tannyelvű Tanítóképző Kar/University of Novi Sad/Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, ISSN 2217-4540, ETO/UDC: 371.13; ETO: 371.12.011.3-051:811.111, COBISS.SR-ID 260056583;
3. Marić, Slađana (2020). Teaching Methodology and Emergency Transitions into Virtual Environments – Language, Dance, Music and Media Education – Metodologie výuky a nouzový přechod do virtuálního prostoru – jazyková, taneční, hudební a mediální výchova. Listy České Sekce INSEA ročník 9, 2/2020. p.41, (Accessed: July 1, 2021) 4. Marić, Slađana (2020). Teaching Methodology and Emergency Transitions into Virtual Environments – Language, Dance, Music and Media Education. In: Art Education in The Time of Coronavirus – Reflecting on Today, Anticipating Tomorrow: Booklet of Abstracts. Šobáňová, Petra & Jana Jiroutová (eds). Olomouc: Czech Section of INSEA (The Palacký University Olomouc, Faculty of Education and the Czech Section of INSEA; Printed by: EPAVA Olomouc 2020. ISBN 978-80-908056-0-6). 5. Marić Sladana (2019). Virtual Museums of Music and Ballet in Foreign Language Education. In: Interdisciplinary Research Approaches to Multilingual Education. (Chapter 16, p. 199 – 213). Vasilia Kourtis-Kazoullis, Themistoklis Aravossitas, Eleni Skourtou & Peter Pericles Trifonas (Eds). Series: Routledge Research in Language Education. London; New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, ISBN: 978-0-815-34686-9 (hbk) ISBN: 978-1-351-17008-6 (ebk), CAT# K345383, 6. Marić, Slađana (2019). Virtual Reality in Education and CPD: Resources and Future Directions. In: In: International Book of Proceedings Digital media technologies and socio-educational changes 8 (p. 239 – 252), D. Pralica & N. Šinković (Eds.), Novi Sad: Faculty of Philosophy, UDC 004.946:37, ISBN: 978-86-6065-537-2 7. Marić, Slađana (2019). The educational role of language in experiences with virtual reality. Educational Role of Language Journal. Vol.2019 (1) “Boosting the Educational Experiencing of Language”. p. 47 – 59. ISSN 2657-9774 8. Marić, Slađana (2017). Empowering Teachers Through Continuous Professional Development Within Digital Environments. In: International Book of Proceedings Digital media technologies and socio-educational changes 7 (p. 124 – 135), D. Pralica & N. Šinković (Eds.), Novi Sad: Faculty of Philosophy, UDC: 004.738.5:371.12; UDC 371.12:78-051, ISBN: 978-86-6065-450-4, 2017. 9. Marić, Slađana (2017). Interconnected English Language and Music Learning with Digital Technologies, Beyond Philology vol. 14, no. 1, p. 225 – 248, ISSN: 1732-1220, e-ISSN 2451-1498, 2017. (Institute of English and American Studies, University of Gdańsk) 10. Marić, Slađana (2017). Teaching Music Subjects and English Language with Online Video Listening Guides to Classical Music. Módszertani Közlöny (Metodički glasnik/Methodological Bulletin) 2017, VII/1, p. 172-189. (ETO:37.016:811.111) 11. Marić, Slađana (2016). Learning Music and English Language with Online Classical Music Games, In: Didactic and Methodological Approaches and Strategies – Support to Children’s Learning and Development. Miroslava Ristić & Ana Vujović (Eds.), Belgrade: Teaching Faculty p. 225-233, ISBN: 978-86-7849-235-8, UDC 371.3::78: 811.111]: 12. Marić, Slađana (2015). Online Gaming to Learn Music and English Language in Music and Ballet School Solfeggio Education, Hellenic Journal of Music, Education, and Culture, Vol. 6, Article 2, ISSN 1792-2518, 13. Marić, Slađana (2014). Digital Media Technologies and ELT Online Professional Development Programmes, In: International Book of Proceedings Digital media technologies and socio-educational changes 4 (p. 273-287). Dubravka Valić-Nedeljković & Dejan Pralica (Eds.), Novi Sad: Faculty of Philosophy, UDK 371.3:004.738.5”2013/2014”. ISBN 978-86-6065-308-8.
ERL INVOLVEMENT I ERL Conference participant, 2016 ERL Network member 2016-2018 ERL Journal – Editorial board member, 2019 |