orcid.org/0000-0003-1941-7976 |
Contact details: [jayoung.song@utexas.edu / 13462628220 / https://sites.psu.edu/jayoungsong/] |
EMPLOYMENT & EDUCATION [Assistant Professor – Pennsylvania State University, Department of Asian Studies] [ASIA 200: What are Asian Languages KOR 422: Introduction to Korean Linguistics KOR 452: Korean Language and Culture ASIA 406: Issues and Practices in Asian Language Teaching] |
ERL FIELD OF EXPERTISE Language and Culture Language and Methodology |
PROJECTS & PUBLICATIONS Song, J. (2021). Redesigning a foreign language class based on the community of inquiry model: Students’ learning success and satisfaction with an online course. The Korean Language in America 25(1), 29-54. Song, J. (2020). The effects of a short-term study abroad program on developing students’ intercultural competence and oral proficiency Linguistic Research 37, 1-29. Lee, J., & Song, J. (Co-Author) (2019). Comparing the impacts of telecollaboration and study-abroad programs on students’ intercultural competence. Language Learning and Technology 23(3), 178-198. Lee, J., & Song, J. (Co-Author) (2019). The impact of group composition and task design on foreign language learners’ interactions in mobile-based intercultural exchanges. ReCALL 32(1), 63-84. Song, J. (Corresponding Author), & Sardegna, V. G. (2014). EFL Learners’ Incidental Acquisition of English Prepositions through Enhanced Extensive Reading Instruction. RELC Journal 45(1), 67-84. |
ERL INVOLVEMENT Member of the Editorial Team |