Anna Babicka-Wirkus

orcid,org 0000-0002-1292-7351

Contact details





A professor in Institute of National Security and Management



University of Szczecin, Faculty of Humanities, Institute of Pedagogy, specialization in: pedagogy of social work and social rehabilitation – uniform Master’s study, 2008

University of Szczecin, Faculty of Humanities, Institute of Sociology, specialization in: applied social studies – uniform Master’s study, 2010

Nesna University College, module: ICT in society and work life (ITL 103), 2011

University of Szczecin, Faculty of Humanities, doctoral studies in pedagogy, 2012

Szczecin School of Banking, post-graduate studies: manager of research and development project, 2015

Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights, e-learning course: ‘Human rights’, 2018


Language and schooling, language and culture



European Doctorate in Teacher Education (EDiTE) funded by the European Union under Horyzont 2020, Marie SkƂodowska-Curie program (grant agreement number 676452) – a member of supervisors team.

School of the future. Application of the experiences of Aretta experimental school in Poland (project number: FSS/2008/X/D4/W/0013/U/0003) – researcher.


Babicka-Wirkus A., ‘Przymus w szkole jako warunek podejmowania dziaƂań bojowych przez uczniów’ [English: Coercion at school as a condition for students’ combat actions], [in:] Twierdza. SzkoƂa w metaforze militarnej. Co w zamian? [English: Fortress. School in military metaphor. What in exchange?], M. Dudzikowa, S. Jaskulska (eds.), Warszawa: Wolters Kluwer, 2016, p. 340-355,

Babicka-Wirkus A., ‘Problematyka szkoƂy wyĆŒszej na Ƃamach Rocznika Pedagogicznego’ [English: The issue of higher education in Yearbook of Pedagogy], Studia z Teorii Wychowania, 2017, no 4(21), p.55-89.

Babicka-Wirkus A., ‘A Three-dimensional Model of Resistance in Education’, The New Educational Review, 2018, Vol. 52, p.43-54.

Babicka-Wirkus A., ‘Kultury oporu w szkole. DziaƂania – motywacje – przestrzeń’ [English: Cultures of resistance at school. Actions – Motivations – Space], Warszawa: Wolters Kluwer, 2019.


ERL Conferences

The International Conference: Educational Role of Language. Social and Cultural Determinants, paper: JeÌšzykowe i pozajeÌšzykowe element dyskursu oporu w szkole, University of GdaƄsk, Gdańsk 12.-13.06.2017.

ERL Network

My activity in the ‘Potential of Language and General Education’ network mostly concentrates on studying a discourse concerning resistance in educational space and a discourse concerning university.

ERL Association

A member.

ERL Journal

A member of Editorial Team.